Gate Ruler Set 5 | Deck Anthology #2

Hello everyone and welcome back to the second deck anthology for Set 5. As per the previous article, we are once again featuring decks that have experienced minute changes and as such not plentiful or impactful enough to warrant an entirely new write-up. I hope you enjoy. New articles to follow in the recent future. … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | Deck Anthology #2

Gate Ruler Set 5 | 6. F Space Peeps Forever

"Take Me to your Leader", as today I will be introducing an epicly fun attribute, stylistically on point, with a great base of cards formulating an archetype that is poised to potentially become even better in the near future, with set 6 support. After several sets of being forced to lurk in the shadows, Space … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | 6. F Space Peeps Forever

Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 Creepy Crimenauts

As the title attests, today we are going to be reviewing a fan favourite archetype; Crimenauts. Even though the attribute has faded from the competitive limelight, for several sets now, it has nonetheless continued to garner a steady stream of support, allowing it to generate consistent builds that have genuine form and function. Unfortunately, the … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 Creepy Crimenauts

Gate Ruler Set 5 | English Reprints #1

Slightly different from my usual articles, I wanted to broach the topic of 'reprints', if for no other reason than to generate a record for future instances. The cards covered in today's submission all purport to be 'generically relevant' for deckbuilding. As such, the focus is not necessarily on 'archetype specific' reprints but rather on … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | English Reprints #1

Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 ‘You Take One’ … Again

A sudden blast from the past, I wanted to quickly explore how Tricktser Burn has evolved over the last couple of sets since its original inception during set 3 and quick rise to fame. While I do not expect it to once again take the meta by storm, I do believe the rogue potential is … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 ‘You Take One’ … Again

Gate Ruler Set 5 | 2. B Berserker Supremacy Warp

Drive Rulers are back with a vengeance, with Berserker leading the charge. At the moment, the deck is most likely nestled comfortably in the highest competitve tier of the meta. It has fantastic offence, an impactful CNT lineup, is easy to pilot and most importantly does not suffer from the same amount of consistency issues … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | 2. B Berserker Supremacy Warp

Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 Beware the Geas Supernatural Trickery

Hello everyone and welcome back to another exciting GateRuler entry. Today's article is going to deviate slightly from the norm. Essentially, while I will be discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the Supernatural Trickster deck, I will also be using today's submission to discuss the new mechanic made available to us during Set 5; Geas. … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 Beware the Geas Supernatural Trickery

Gate Ruler Set 4 | Archetype Meta Tier List

After a lengthy hiatus, I would like to officially say welcome back, everybody. Today we will be dealing with a highly requested topic, prevalent in any and all TCGs. Namely, and as the title suggests, we will be creating a tier list showcasing the most well-performing Archetypes in Gate Ruler from a competitive standpoint, during … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | Archetype Meta Tier List

Gate Ruler Set 4 | T. 20 Huli’s Supernatural Reign

Hello dear readers and welcome back. Today we are covering one of my favourite archetypes in Gate Ruler, my original inception from set 3 taken to greater heights, the absolute bane of most if not all 'Drive decks', none other than Supernatural Trickster. It is worth noting that while I have retained the former colour … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | T. 20 Huli’s Supernatural Reign

Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Jaws, Jaws, Jaws

Though slightly delayed, we are back with another splendid deck profile. On the menu today is a rather large helping of 'Sharks', one of the latest pure archetypes to emerge from the depths of set 4; Become the Hero! In theory, considered somewhat of a meme, the deck seems to be able to actually hold … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Jaws, Jaws, Jaws