Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Exvader’s Trickery

While the end of set 3 is nigh, it is still amazing to witness brand new strategies come to light, even after months of experimentation. Quickly written off as the current 'joke' faction of the game, Exvaders experienced a bit of a resurgence last weekend when Canada ran two black-infused decklists in their matches against … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Exvader’s Trickery

Gate Ruler Set 3 | W. 23 Lucy Aras Alliance

Welcome back to another deck profile. With set 4, Become the Hero!, just over a month away at this point we have a couple more archetypes to cover, in order to complete our set 3 archive. Today, we will be addressing the second tier 1 deck of the format and that is, as the title … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | W. 23 Lucy Aras Alliance

Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Zoo Brigade’s Juggernaut; The Rampage Continued

While we eagerly anticipate the arrival of set 4; 'Become the Hero!', in English, it is still nonetheless prudent to analyse some of the late bloomers of this particular competitive format. As the title of the article suggests, we will be focusing on another iteration of a "Bigwig" Owl, Bloodrage Raptor deck. Specifically, we will … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Zoo Brigade’s Juggernaut; The Rampage Continued

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Return of the Draconoid Evangelion

Not quite done with our exploration of the Military attribute, today we will be focusing on a list played by one of my Patrons in the most recent round of the Gate Ruler World Team Circuit when the USA faced off against Japan. Finishing on a positive streak in its first showing, the deck racked … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Return of the Draconoid Evangelion

Gate Ruler Set 3 | Most Meta Defining & Generically Relevant Cards

Before we get back to our deck analysis routine, it might be prudent to take another look at the current metagame and discern which Units and Events purport to be the standout stars. For the purposes of this article, we will be reviewing cards that are generically useful in their own right and thusly can … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | Most Meta Defining & Generically Relevant Cards

Gate Ruler Set 3 | Archetype Meta Tier List

Welcome back everybody. Today we will be dealing with a highly requested topic, prevalent in any and all TCGs. Namely, and as the title suggests, we will be creating a tier list showcasing the most well performing Archetypes in Gate Ruler from a competitive stand point, during set 3. However, in order to ensure that … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | Archetype Meta Tier List

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Welcome back everyone, as we continue to explore the unexplored regions of GateRuler deckbuilding. Today, we'll be reviewing one of the two 'Robot Fusion' style decks; namely, Masuraoh Exo-Armor Fusion Form "Kongou", as indicated by the title. With the ability to gain double charge shield on top of having its STK increased by a card … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 2. B Harambe’s Berserk Rampage

Hey everybody and welcome back for another exciting deck profile. Departing from our conventional coverage of 'Hand Rulers', instead, we shall be analyzing what is perhaps the most aggressive ruler to date; Berserker. With 4 'STK' and a whoppingly high 'level limit' of 120, it is possible to jampack 'Berserker decks' full of high-cost high-impact … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 2. B Harambe’s Berserk Rampage

Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Genesis Control ~ Reign of Aras

After attempting to make a dedicated 'Heal-loop' genesis deck for quite some time, I finally unearthed the key to a winning recipe. Taking advantage of Trickster's larger health pool, copious amounts of healing, and removal effects, this particular build succeeds in slowing down what was once a Combo Mechanic/Archetype aimed at gaining Tempo by shifting … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Genesis Control ~ Reign of Aras

Gate Ruler Set 3 | K-11 Dragon Genesis Rampage

Hello everybody and welcome back to yet another deck profile, this time covering my all-time forte and personal staple archetype to date; Genesis Summoning. Though technically a ‘mechanic’ it truly shines as an archetype by itself due to the sheer consistency it offers to players, in so far as allowing them to search for and … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | K-11 Dragon Genesis Rampage