Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Martial Skill Struggle

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! To start things off, we have a deck that has been an absolutely Herculean task to get right, both in terms of execution and consistency. I am of course referring to non-other than the Martial Skills focused deck. Interestingly enough, this archetype started out as a subcategory of Genesis … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Martial Skill Struggle

Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Rise of the Draconoid Evangelion

Welcome back to what will probably be my last Military focused list, at least for a little while. Given the popularity of my K-11 Ikazuchi article, I wanted to showcase that the particular unit or archetype is not tethered to any one ruler. Naturally, some can take better advantage of its abilities, but the Dragon's … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Rise of the Draconoid Evangelion

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Zoo Brigade’s Relentless Juggernaut

I am super excited to share this deck profile with you all today. Though it is somewhat one-dimensional, in terms of win-condition, Zoo Brigade as an archetype; both stylistically and in terms of gameplay is genuinely unbelievably enjoyable. Before we get stuck into it, please note that this version of Zoo Brigade can indeed be … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Zoo Brigade’s Relentless Juggernaut

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. 0 Pure Dark Knights of Genesis

Welcome to my first (technically second if we consider my previous submission) article, in a long line of original archetype profiles featuring the Genesis Summoning mechanic for set 3, Ace of the Cosmos Assemble, of Gate Ruler. This particular build is one I was and am very excited to present for a variety of reasons. … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. 0 Pure Dark Knights of Genesis