Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Ikazuchi’s Warpath

Hello Gate Rulers and welcome back to another exciting deck profile. Today, we will be covering a fan favourite, that also coincidentally happens to be one of my personal favourites as well. As the title suggests, it is time to greet and welcome back our beloved Draconoid Dreadnaught "Fuse-ikazuchi", as it gets ready to go … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Ikazuchi’s Warpath

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Return of the Draconoid Evangelion

Not quite done with our exploration of the Military attribute, today we will be focusing on a list played by one of my Patrons in the most recent round of the Gate Ruler World Team Circuit when the USA faced off against Japan. Finishing on a positive streak in its first showing, the deck racked … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Return of the Draconoid Evangelion

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Welcome back everyone, as we continue to explore the unexplored regions of GateRuler deckbuilding. Today, we'll be reviewing one of the two 'Robot Fusion' style decks; namely, Masuraoh Exo-Armor Fusion Form "Kongou", as indicated by the title. With the ability to gain double charge shield on top of having its STK increased by a card … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Zombie Thriller

Deck zwei of the New Year and this time we have a highly requested attribute; Zombies. Functioning as a really cool disruption deck, you can keep reviving your undead army over and over, thanks to a variety of events and abilities. While certainly viable under the direction of various other rulers, both hand and drive-based, … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | T. 20 Zombie Thriller

Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Rise of the Draconoid Evangelion

Welcome back to what will probably be my last Military focused list, at least for a little while. Given the popularity of my K-11 Ikazuchi article, I wanted to showcase that the particular unit or archetype is not tethered to any one ruler. Naturally, some can take better advantage of its abilities, but the Dragon's … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Rise of the Draconoid Evangelion

Gate Ruler Set 3 | K-11 Rise of the Draconoid War Machine

Welcome back guys! Today, we will be covering a rather interesting decklist with an explosive end-game strategy featuring Yomajin Front's new Military Special Rare; Draconoid Dreadnaught "Fuse-Ikazuchi". I say interesting because what should technically function as an 'aggressive deck', by virtue of the various abilities attached to the main boss monster of the list, actually … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | K-11 Rise of the Draconoid War Machine