Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Exvaders and D. 4 Supernatural

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Gate Ruler article. Today we are going to be doing something slightly different. Specifically, we will review a couple of decklists/archetypes which although have received upgrades, ultimately not enough changed (in terms of playstyle) to warrant an entirely new detailed write-up on them. As such, I will link … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Exvaders and D. 4 Supernatural

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 4. D Imperial March of the Yokai

Taking a small break from Hand Rulers and Genesis, today we are going to be reviewing one of Set 3s Newest Drive Rulers, 4.D Dreadnought, alongside a very strong special summoning archetype; the 'Hundred Yokai March'. Affectionately dubbed the 'Vanguard Ruler', the ability to drive cards during the atack-phase means that your board will technically … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 4. D Imperial March of the Yokai