Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Darkness Ends

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Gate Ruler deck profile. On the agenda today is a massively underrated archetype which although may have received minimal support in set 4, Become the Hero!, has absolutely experienced a competitive revitalisation that seems to have flown under the radar. Its obscurity in the metagame is still somewhat … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | O. 15 Darkness Ends

Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Evil Rises and Darkness Falls

Inevitably, the time has come when we must graduate from the 'interesting' builds to once again cover one of the more 'popular' meta decks of the current format; Darkness Abyssal Summoning. Inexpensive, efficient, meta relevant and the harbinger of large dragons, the archetype did not need much to become a fan favourite. Furthermore, with a … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Evil Rises and Darkness Falls

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 20. T Genesis Darkness Fusion Alliance

As I wait for my cards to arrive, so that I can finally start building my 21 deck backlog, I've been scoping out some really interesting decklists. One in particular definitely caught my eye, as it purports to be quite a lovely synergistic fusion between Genesis and Abyssal summoning. Specifically, instead of focusing on larger … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 20. T Genesis Darkness Fusion Alliance

Gate Ruler Set 3 | Darkness, Abyssal & Special Summoning Hunting

This morning much to my delight, considering that at the moment I am a Genesis Summoning main, we received an exceptional card that purports to target one of the archetype's principal spiritual rivals, dating back to set 1, Darkness Abyssal Symmoning. From the get-go, there appear to be a few strong feelings surrounding this particular … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | Darkness, Abyssal & Special Summoning Hunting