Gate Ruler Set 5 | 2. B Berserker Supremacy Warp

Drive Rulers are back with a vengeance, with Berserker leading the charge. At the moment, the deck is most likely nestled comfortably in the highest competitve tier of the meta. It has fantastic offence, an impactful CNT lineup, is easy to pilot and most importantly does not suffer from the same amount of consistency issues … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 5 | 2. B Berserker Supremacy Warp

Gate Ruler Set 4 | 2. B Berserker’s Onslaught Continues

Drive rulers in Set 4, 'Become The Hero!', are making a comeback in a big way, and leading the charge is none other than everyone's favourite; Berserker. While it may still only be limited to one organic drive per turn, the level cap of the deck is extensive enough to allow for a lot of … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 4 | 2. B Berserker’s Onslaught Continues

Gate Ruler Set 3 | 2. B Harambe’s Berserk Rampage

Hey everybody and welcome back for another exciting deck profile. Departing from our conventional coverage of 'Hand Rulers', instead, we shall be analyzing what is perhaps the most aggressive ruler to date; Berserker. With 4 'STK' and a whoppingly high 'level limit' of 120, it is possible to jampack 'Berserker decks' full of high-cost high-impact … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 2. B Harambe’s Berserk Rampage