Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Welcome back everyone, as we continue to explore the unexplored regions of GateRuler deckbuilding. Today, we'll be reviewing one of the two 'Robot Fusion' style decks; namely, Masuraoh Exo-Armor Fusion Form "Kongou", as indicated by the title. With the ability to gain double charge shield on top of having its STK increased by a card … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | 15. O Robot Deity Fusion – Masuraoh Supremacy

Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Demon Lords and Their Pets

Taking my previous submission into consideration, I wanted to focus a bit more on the Demon Lord attribute before moving on. That being said, today's decklist is more of a mix between Demon Lords and Beasts; a combination due, in no small part, to the new Special Rare Rey Gargora - Bane of Sorcerers and … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 3 | O. 15 Demon Lords and Their Pets

Gate Ruler Set 2 | K-11 Alice’s Mystical Wonderland

Hello everyone and welcome back to another deck profile. Today, as voted for in our most recent Twitter poll we will be having a look at a deck that is predominantly built around Alice and her accompanying A7 units. The Decklist This particular archetype, at least as depicted, has performed quite well at locals and … Continue reading Gate Ruler Set 2 | K-11 Alice’s Mystical Wonderland