Gate Ruler Set 5 | Deck Anthology #2

Hello everyone and welcome back to the second deck anthology for Set 5. As per the previous article, we are once again featuring decks that have experienced minute changes and as such not plentiful or impactful enough to warrant an entirely new write-up. I hope you enjoy. New articles to follow in the recent future.

V. 22 Reginleif Control | Decklist

Fresh of off a great performance in Gate Ruler’s 7th Discord Cup, only losing to the top seed, the archetype demonstarted that it still retains its status as a competitive archetype. Fusing the naturally overtuned defensive capabilites of ATLAS, with the consistency mechanics of Genesis Summoning, the deck is still a powerhouse. Though it does not utilise shreddie-chan, there have been other minor improvements to the deck ,that boost its overall offensive and defensive prowess. It should be noted that Lucifer the Lightbringer has been instrumental to its current success and thusly a fully optimised build should contain at least two copies.

w. 23 a7 Alice control | Decklist

Unfortunately, we have not received the latest Alice and/or Ascendant support, so the archetype for the time being has to remain true to its A7 roots. That being said, since my most recent published analysis of the deck I have tweaked the build slightly. Additionally, after some testing I am happy to say that even without the new support, the deck is capable of competing in the present meta. However, this is largely thanks to its efficient utilisation of the common place ATLAS defensive tools. Dropping down a competitive tier, at the very least Alice serves as an effective gatekeeper for archetypes to overcome, if they want to have a place in the second tier of Gate Ruler’s competitive hierarchy.

0. 15 Ikazuchi’s warpath | decklist

In a similar vein to that of Alice, considering the support for both archetypes was effectively bundled into the same product which we have yet to receive, a pure Draconoid Dreadnaught deck is unable to fulfill its true protential under the present circumstances. Minor tweaks can of course be made but in the abscende of its dedicated pseudo-searcher and other quality of life improvement effects, its competitive prowess has been effectively stifled for the set. At the very least, alternate iterations of Ikazuchi centric lists, like Masuraoh have received critical updates to their card rosters.

Final Thoughts

With fresh support on the way, the latter two decks are set to evolve into powerhouses, contingent on the remaining reveals due to arise out of set 6 of course. Additionally, all three archetypes are veritable fan favourites and franchise flagships, so if you are new to the game and interested in joining the ranks of fellow Gate Rulers, then investing in these particular attributes is already a pretty safe bet.


All commentary at hand refers to the English format of the game. As such the only data in relation to deck viability taken into consideration is that resulting from the ENG tournaments and local scenes. This is due to the fact that Japan has a variety of powerful cards that allow certain archetypes to remain viable or exceed their English counterparts. This disclaimer applies to the entirety of Set 5.

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