Gate Ruler Set 5 | Decklist Anthology #1

Hello one and all, I hope you are having a kickass weekend. As I try to find the time to generate some more detailed write-ups, I wanted to offer an update on some decklists/archetypes, that have received some new support but not enough has changed to warrant a full article. Without anymore ado, here are the builds in question.

V. 22 Superheroes | decklist

The only new addition that could be made to the archetype, post set 5, is the The Extra-Ordinary Hu-Man Unit. Capable for doubling the resources gained through the deck’s various TDs, the card is proving to be an invaluable addition to the previous roster. That is not to say it is the only new Superhero attributed card. Yet, it is presently the only one that is immediately applicable.

O. 15 & t. 20 Bloodraging owl | Decklist(s)

The decks have not changed significantly from their set 3 versions, albeit with the sole exception of their defensive capabilities, which have grown exponentially. Whether you opt for the Trickster or Overlord Ruler, not much changes in terms of playstyle. The former is capable of lasting longer due to better defensive options and an increased healthpool, allowing you time to setup your win condition, while the latter allows for the generation of a bigger hand size and a more effective use of your energy.

We should note at this point, that you can choose to run Volnar in Trickster and/or the Yomajin Front in Overlord. Both colour combinations have their merits no matter the ruler. Thusly feel free to experiment, as this particular archetype allows for a lot of versatility.

D. 4 supernatural march | Decklist

As you can imagine, in a similar vein to the lists above, not a lot has changed for this particular archetype either, since the last time we reviewed it. The gameplan remains identical to previous iterations, albeit with somewhat boosted consistency. Set 5, has offered a single card that could be construed as support; Middle of Nowhere.

o. 15 Darkness Turn stop | Decklist

Nothing has changed since the set 4 article, as we did not receive any of the new support, currently available to Japan, in English. The deck continues to operate in the same consistent manner as it did before.

Final Thoughts

Thank you everyone for reviewing this quick submission. If you are new to my write-ups or indeed Gate Ruler and would like to get a sense of how the decks operate, please do feel free to click on the respective links that will take you to those previous articles. Though the coverage may be on older sets, the analysis of the archetype’s mechanics continues to remain relevant. Have a lovely Sunday.


All commentary at hand refers to the English format of the game. As such the only data in relation to deck viability taken into consideration is that resulting from the ENG tournaments and local scenes. This is due to the fact that Japan has a variety of powerful cards that allow certain archetypes to remain viable or exceed their English counterparts. This disclaimer applies to the entirety of Set 5.

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