Gate Ruler Set 5 | T. 20 Creepy Crimenauts

As the title attests, today we are going to be reviewing a fan favourite archetype; Crimenauts. Even though the attribute has faded from the competitive limelight, for several sets now, it has nonetheless continued to garner a steady stream of support, allowing it to generate consistent builds that have genuine form and function. Unfortunately, the functions tend to underperform when compared to other archetypes, both in term of speed and impact. Luckily, set 5 has offered some support that is said to boost the attribute’s functional consistency and due to the prevalence of ATLAS, certain tools are submitted to have a much greater impact. So, without anymore ado, let us review Gate Ruler‘s most prevalent crime syndicate.

The Decklist

While I do believe the crimenaut attribute is best served by the Trickster ruler, due to the ability to utilise CNTs in both a defensive and offensive manner, a variety of other rulers can also be promisingly utilised. Ranging but not limited to Overlord and Apprentice, this crime syndicate’s wide arsenal can be effectively implemented across multiple and varied deck construction rule-sets.

However, I do remain steadfast in my dedication to the initially mentioned ruler, in no small part thanks to its inherent effect but also its significantly larger life total as well. Lastly, it is important to note that there is a genuine degree of flexibility to be had in terms of the included cards. Naturally, I will explain my choices below but do not be wary of experimenting and making the deck your own.

Card inclusions

Starting off with the latest support, Adventurers’ Guild, Wonderverse Branch is a spectacular event which although not dedicated support for crimenauts is certainly instrumental in the archetype’s advancement.

Capable of setting up your dropzone for your ‘revive CNTs’, you are thusly able to run fewer copies of particular cards while retaining consistency. Furthermore, the card may also operate as a natural counter to one of the effects of Skystrike Arrow, when and if the deck faces off against Volnar.

When it comes to units, leading the charge is Star Dragon Azariah. Though it may be viewed as a strange inclusion, it is featured within the decklist as an additional device for setting up the graveyard, in part also allowing for Danger Boyz Capo “Missile Maniac” BOODAH to effectively be discarded from hand. Murdercorn and Badfellas have useful effects meritting their inclusion although Hollowbear has specifically been maxed, in terms of its inclusion ratio, due to the prevalence of ATLAS and Armor of Ambition.

Last but certainly not least, we have the all important 17th unofficial CNT in Schrodinger. However, this card’s inclusion can certainly be debated, especially if a player does not have access to a copy given the card’s age. In addition to Azariah, Creepy Cuddlies Crimson-Nailed Karina has also been included as a way of synergising with the legendary at hand.

Final Thoughts

Despite being so popular, the attribute at hand suffers in its attempts to creep into the competitive scene. This is due partially to the absence of a dedicated win-condition which the deck can effectively builds towards. Of course, not all decks have or even require a dedicated win condition to be good, Genesis Knight being a prime example of an archetype that has retained a top spot due its ability to simply consistently maintain tempo.

However, in the abscence of the above, the core building blocks of a deck have to be close to immaculate. This is something the crimenaut attribute has struggled to achieve. To a certian extent, this issue is echoed in other archetypes as well, such as Supernatural Trickster, which although enjoys a genuine bout of competitive prowess against drive rulers, will undoubtedly lose its edge without further dedicated support or a genuine qualified win condition.

Archetypes like these are what bring genuine flavour to the Gate Ruler card game and ensuing universe, so it would be nice if they were afforded some more viable support in the upcoming sets. They come off as something more than just another archetype in a card game. Much like Zoo Brigade, Supernatural, Space Peeps, Sharks, Alice/A7 to name but a few, they form a story flagship that sets the game apart and makes the lore that much more interesting.


All commentary at hand refers to the English format of the game. As such the only data in relation to deck viability taken into consideration is that resulting from the ENG tournaments and local scenes. This is due to the fact that Japan has a variety of powerful cards that allow certain archetypes to remain viable or exceed their English counterparts. This disclaimer applies to the entirety of Set 5.

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